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Why I vote Green

Andy Tooze

I continue to vote Green because if we don't look after the planet we won't be able to do anything about other issues. What can we do about equality, justice etc etc if we have no planet left on which we can live?

The Green party are the only party who clearly acknowledge that this self evident truth exists.

Every other political party acts out a version of: " The planet matters but it cannot be our overwhelming priority because we have to sort out issues a ,b and c first."

But a, b and c will never be fully sorted and even if they are issues d, e and f will spring up to replace them.

The truth is that we either address Green issues as the priority now or we never properly address them.

This is not the only reason I vote Green though.

When we put first things first,as the Greens do, we also tend to get other things in the correct order.

Green politicians tend to put people before systems and hope before fear.

This leads to policies that do us good in many areas.

I believe this is what the Green party does locally, nationally and internationally.

Green policies don’t just work for our children and grandchildren down the line.

They work for us NOW.

We are being poisoned by pollution NOW.

Our failure to prioritise idling car engines and damaging diesel engines emissions affects our health NOW.

We are seeing more and more extreme climate events, such as flooding and fires NOW

I will continue to vote Green because I believe in Green policies and Green politicians.

A vote for what you truly believe in will never be a wasted vote.

I will continue to vote Green because I believe in Green policies and Green politicians.

A vote for what you truly believe in will never be a wasted vote.


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