Peter Crook for Cote Heath 2022

Peter Crook is a family man. He's worked in industrial Quality Control and as a Secondary School Teacher of Maths and Performing Arts.
He retired to High Peak in 2011. His home is next to Buxton Town Football ground and just up the road from Cote Heath. His son used to work in Harper Hill and his daughter lives in Fairfield.
I do not like ceremony and secrecy in government. It's people's actions that matter.
If elected I will encourage cooperation between the different political parties and vote for decisions that will lead to the long-term planning of a sustainable future.
I believe our children’s & our grandchildren’s future will only be sustainable if governments in the UK reflect the wishes of the voters. If the Green Party gets 15% of the votes (as happened in High Peak two years ago), then they should have 6 seats on the council, not 2. The same goes for the winning Party. 35% of the Vote should mean 15 seats not 22. They have no right to govern alone instead of being truly representative and cross-party. The First Past the Post system is unfit for purpose.
I’m proud to be a member of High Peak Green Party – sensible evidence based policies based on cooperation, but above all, valuing the interconnectedness of all life on this planet and the environments in which they live.
I think it's time for change”